Yuria-Pharm Corporation Has Granted Humanitarian Aid Amounted to UAH 350,000 to the Residents of Donetsk Region

On January 21, the certificate and anti-bacterial products from «Yuria-Pharm» Corporation amounted to UAH 350,000 for residents of Donetsk Region were transferred in the public health care institution First Medical and Sanitary Aid Centre No. 1 in the City of Kramatorsk.
Vladislav Babik the regional manager of Yuria-Pharm in Donetsk Region, emphasised social responsibility of Yuria-Pharm Corporation and its intension to help Donetsk Region in the complicated epidemiological situation. At present, nineteen people have died of influenza complications in the City of Kramatorsk only.
“Being a socially responsible national company, the mission of which is to preserve and improve life, Yuria-Pharm Corporation , has granted and will keep granting necessary aid by saving lives with the medicinal products and medical devices it produces,” said I. V. Nayda, the HR Director.
Thus, the Region of Donetsk has been granted the first part of aid: 720 units of Ofloxacin, and the same amount of Leflocin and Maxicin. The rest of the planned medicinal products will be provided on January 28. These products will be used in hospital inpatient departments in the Region of Donetsk to treat patients with pneumonia.
“We would love other companies to follow our example. Such humanitarian aid will help decrease the decease incidence and save lives of residents of the Region of Donetsk,” emphasised Viktor Vladimirovich Andrusiv, the deputy head of the Donetsk Military and Civil Administration, during the transfer. He also expressed deep gratitude to our company and its top management that efficiently help in rendering first aid to patients in the health care institutions in the Region of Donetsk under the complicated epidemiological conditions and proximity to the ATO.
The event was also attended by Yuriy Gennadievich Uzun, the director of the health care department of the Donetsk Military and Civil Administration, Vladimir Viktorovich Kolesnik the deputy director of the health care department, as well as Aleksander Borisovich Vlasenko, a regional family doctor.