Heartburn of pregnant women: questions and answers

On April 23, the seminar “Heartburn in pregnant women: myths, reality and TOP-10 ways to reduce heartburn” was held. The event was held in a question-and-answer format, which allowed participants to get comprehensive information on the given topic.
The seminar was attended by Yuliya Volodymyrivna Davydova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrical Problems of Extragenital Pathology and Ethical Problems in Medicine of the State University “Ukrainian Center for Maternity and Childhood of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, and Alisa Yuriivna Lymanska, Candidate of Medical Sciences, leading researcher of the Department of Obstetrics problems of extragenital pathology and ethical problems in medicine of the State University “Ukrainian Center of Maternity and Childhood of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, physician-therapist, cardiologist.
Usually, heartburn stops bothering a woman after childbirth, and she even forgets about this complaint. Of course, in this case, heartburn is a functional complication associated with pregnancy, the causes of which have been reported. But heartburn can also be a manifestation of an organic disease, and in such cases there is a need for further examination and the appointment of specific treatment.
If heartburn in a pregnant woman is a sign of functional changes, then water with an adapted composition of Izotа comes to help reduce symptoms, which will significantly relieve the feeling of burning. Due to the adapted composition and the large area of contact of water with the acidic contents of the stomach, a quick effect is observed with a low probability of ricochet syndrome with the return of manifestations of increased acidity. At the same time, ease of use, including in the evening and at night, and pleasant organoleptic properties will significantly improve the quality of life of expectant mothers.
You can find full information of the report in the Ukrainian version of the website.
- Prof. Davydova Yulia Volodymyrivna
- Ph. D. Lymanska Alisa Yuriivna