School of endocrinologist: some aspects of infusion treatment of diabetes

School of endocrinologist: some aspects of infusion treatment of diabetes

The principles of the educational project “School of Endocrinologist”, which has become traditional, include the originality of the submission of theoretical material, its practical orientation and interactive communication. In accordance with these principles, the latest recommendations, current views on some pathological conditions and methods of their treatment were presented to the participants.

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Neurological disorders in patients who had COVID-19: how to treat during a pandemic

The article provides an overview of the world literature data on lesions of the nervous system in patients who had COVID-19. The results of an open comparative study on the effectiveness of combined use of Xavron, Tivor-L and Xylat in patients with neurological disorders in the post-COVID period are also presented. The positive effect of...

Pathogenetic pancreoprotection in diabetic ketoacidosis

Diabetes is an important medical and social problem, as it develops in each of the 11 adult inhabitants of the planet. In the complicated course of diabetes mellitus, ketoacidosis develops, which is the most common manifestation of acute hyperglycemia in people with both types of diabetes mellitus. The purpose of this study is to systematize...

Pilot study of anxiolytic drug Lodixem in patients with acute decompensed heart failure

Anxiety disorders often accompany the course of cardiovascular disease and become more pronounced as they progress. Anxiety is also a frequent companion of patients with heart failure (HF). In a recent meta-analysis of 38 studies by K. Easton et al. (2015) estimated that 32% of patients with HF experience an increased level of anxiety, and...