New products




Snotty nebules

SNOTTY is intranasal xylitol for irrigation of nasal passages and sinuses in upper respiratory tract infections and allergies. SNOTTY in containers is approved for use by children from birth!

Tivor-L Aspartate

Tivor-L Aspartate is a modulator of energy flexibility of the myocardium. A unique combination of L-carnitine and L-arginine, which affects all links of hypoxia, stimulating the heart to efficiently use different sources of energy in conditions of ischemia!

Carnivit® Extra

Carnivit® Extra is a levocarnitine solution of 1000 mg in vials for intramuscular and intravenous injections. The only L-carnitine in Ukraine that can be used intramuscularly! Carnivit® Extra is a catalyst for healthy weight loss.

Umerox® Device

Umerox® Device is the device for inhalation use of Umerox® (vapors for inhalation, liquid in bottles of 3 ml № 1). It is intended for vaporization and delivery of Umerox® and provision of inactivation of vapors in exhaled air.


Izota is a slightly carbonated water developed by pharmacists, which has an adapted composition of components to reduce the manifestations of heartburn and normalize digestion.


Nardin is a low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) containing enoxaparin sodium, in which the antithrombotic and anticoagulant activities of standard heparin are unrelated. It has higher anti-Xa activity than anti-IIa (or antithrombin) activity (their ratio is 3.6).

Snotty spray

SNOTTY is intranasal xylitol for irrigation of nasal passages and sinuses in upper respiratory tract infections and allergies. Form of release: nasal spray in a bottle of 30 ml with a sprayer, № 1.

Neurocitin® C

Neurocitin® C – a complete course for the protection and restoration of the neurovascular unit! Neurocitin® C is a solution of citicoline for oral use, indicated to provide patients with step therapy after treatment with parenteral forms containing citicoline, and also designed to improve compliance with treatment.

Keydex inject

KEYDEX INJECT is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The active substance is dexketoprofen. KEYDEX INJECT is twice as effective as ketoprofen, and the elimination of the R-isomer significantly reduces the risk of side effects when using the drug.

Umerox® Ingal

Umerox® Ingal is an individual device designed for inhalation of methoxyflurane. Methoxyflurane, solution for inhalation, 2 ml administered through the Umerox® Ingal inhalation device is a fast-acting, inhalable and non-narcotic analgesic. ...


REFEX is a combined antibacterial drug containing piperacillin, a semi-synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic, and tazobactam, an inhibitor of most beta-lactamases. It has a wide range of action (Gr +, Gr-, anaerobes, protozoa), high clinical ...